Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Folks, Canada has now received more than 66 MILLION doses of COVID-19 vaccines. That’s enough to fully vaccinate every eligible person in Canada. And we are a world leader in vaccination rates.

Best of all, we’re two months ahead of our original goal!

From the start of this pandemic, our Government worked quickly to secure a very diverse and large vaccine portfolio. And as soon as vaccines received Health Canada authorization, we worked with suppliers to speed up delivery to make sure we could vaccinate Canadians as quickly as possible.

I am so proud of the way folks are stepping up and rolling up their sleeves to get their shots!

Huge thanks to the incredible health care staff who are working so hard to vaccinate folks right across Canada.

We’ll continue doing everything we can to protect the health and safety of everyone in Canada. And we’ll do so by following scientific and expert advice to end this pandemic in Canada and around the world.