From one in a hundred-year floods happening too often, to forest fires and other severe weather—climate change is real and demands action.

We’ve all heard that Canada is warming at nearly twice the global rate, and today’s IPCC report spells it out clearly:

“It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land”

“Global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century unless deep reductions in CO2 and other GHGs occur in the coming decades.”

Our Government is seized with taking strong climate action.

  • We are committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050
  • We’ve put a price on pollution
  • We’re going to reduce pollution by 40% to 45% below 2005 levels by 2030
  • We’re protecting more and more of Canada’s natural spaces and planting 2 billion trees across the country
  • We’re investing in public transit and in active transportation infrastructure
  • We’re banning harmful single-use plastics
  • Were investing in clean technology and helping companies transition to the green economy
  • We’re providing home retrofit grants
  • We’re building electric vehicle charging infrastructure across Canada, and helping Canadians transition to a zero-emission vehicle with an incentive program

And we’re doing this while creating good jobs and growing our economy.

This is *just* an example of some of our climate actions, you can read more about Canada’s Climate Actions for a Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy here:…/actions-healthy-environment-economy…