Investing in public transit and active transportation projects is good for the environment and helps create new jobs!

We just announced $14.9 billion for public transit projects over the next 8 years, which includes permanent funding of $3 billion per year for Canadian communities beginning in 2026-27.

Here’s what’s up:

  • As we work to fight climate change we need to make sure that cities and communities have predictable transit funding they need to plan for the future.
  • This is a win-win for the environment and the economy!
    This investment will help reduce pollution, help Canadians move around easier, and will create jobs for Canadians by building major public transit projects, enhancing public transit systems, and switching them to cleaner electrical power, including supporting the use of zero-emission vehicles and related infrastructure. (bye, bye diesel buses!)
  • This will help fund active transportation projects—like new walkways and paths for cycling, wheelchairs, walking, scooters and more!
  • This is a true partnership. We will support our cities and communities by making a permanent and stable funding commitment to funding public transit.

We’re here to support public and active transportation for the long haul. Let’s get this right!

*Pre COVID-19 photo from a much warmer day!