Building back better means making sure that folks have the skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow. It means, building a more inclusive workforce.

Budget 2021 is a plan to create jobs and strengthen the economy!

The Canada Workers Benefit has been helping low-income workers make ends meet. We’ve proposed to expand this program to include more Canadians in low-wage jobs, lifting them out of poverty.

We’re investing in young Canadians so they can gain skills, through programs like Canada Summer Jobs—a reminder that lots of these jobs are posted right now at!

We’re introducing supports for small and medium-sized businesses like the Canada Digital Adoption Program to help train workers, create jobs, and take their business online.

Supporting Entrepreneurs, including equity deserving entrepreneurs such as Indigenous and Black Canadians, women and those who belong to the LGBTQ2 community.

You can learn more about Budget 2021 and our plan to build back better here: