Canada is designating today, March 11th, as a National Day of Observance to commemorate the people who lost their lives and the significant impacts we have all felt because of COVID-19.

A year ago today, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, and over this past year our lives have changed.

From losing loved ones, to seniors in isolation, to layoffs and missed milestones in person with our family—COVID-19 has had a significant impact.

I want to thank the volunteers across Canada who stepped up (and continue) to support their communities, and the healthcare workers who tirelessly provide the care we need. Whether stocking shelves at the grocery store, or ringing purchases through—I’m so grateful to the retail workers who support us all.

We’re not out of the woods yet. We need to continue doing everything we can to keep each other safe. Please continue to follow local public health guidance, avoid all non-essential travel, and keep washing your hands! Remember when we picked a favourite song to sing while we washed our hands? Keep doing it!

Folks, I’ll end this statement on a positive note by letting you know that Canada has vaccines in stock and we’ve been delivering them to the provinces and territories. We will receive 8 million vaccines by the end of March, millions more throughout April to June, and enough vaccines for every Canadian who wants one by the end of September.

As the provinces and territories continue to announce vaccine clinics, I hope you’ll roll up your sleeve and get your vaccine when the time comes!!