As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, we reaffirm our commitment to stand up for LGBTQ2+ people and their rights

Today and every day we must work towards a safer and more inclusive Canada where LGBTQ2+ people are able to be themselves. As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, we reaffirm our commitment to build more inclusive communities and stand up for LGBTQ2+ people and their rights. #IDAHTB2022 [...]

As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, we reaffirm our commitment to stand up for LGBTQ2+ people and their rights2022-05-18T17:10:42-04:00

I want our government to move as quick as we can on developing a national school food policy and implementing national school nutritious meal program

I want our government to move as quick as we can on developing a national school food policy and implementing national school nutritious meal program. I sat down with Karina Gould, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development to discuss my thoughts on this, and to push for us to move faster. She [...]

I want our government to move as quick as we can on developing a national school food policy and implementing national school nutritious meal program2022-04-11T12:44:29-04:00

This Daffodil Month, I hope you’ll take a little time to visit the Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors

There are volunteers in Dartmouth—Cole Harbour whose hard work will leave a lasting impact in our community. Volunteers like Jim & Judie Edgar. This Daffodil Month, I hope you'll take a little time to visit the Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors, and support the Canadian Cancer Society's #DaffodilCampaign.

This Daffodil Month, I hope you’ll take a little time to visit the Daffodil Garden for Cancer Survivors2022-04-11T14:05:36-04:00

We’re delivering an extra $2 billion to the provinces and territories to help address medical waitlist backlogs caused by COVID-19

We're delivering an extra $2 billion to the provinces and territories to help address medical waitlist backlogs caused by COVID-19. This funding is on top of existing investments like the Canadian Health Transfer! Learn more:

We’re delivering an extra $2 billion to the provinces and territories to help address medical waitlist backlogs caused by COVID-192022-04-05T13:29:58-04:00

Canada announces additional measures to support Ukraine

Canada announces additional measures to support Ukraine February 24, 2022 Ottawa, Ontario Canada condemns in the strongest possible terms Russia’s egregious attack on Ukraine. These additional unprovoked actions are another clear and further violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence. They are also in violation of Russia’s obligations under international law and the [...]

Canada announces additional measures to support Ukraine2022-02-25T09:02:30-04:00

MP Fisher’s statement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

February 24th, 2022 This is a dark day. My thoughts are with the Ukrainian people who are dealing with a brutal act of war against their country. As they fight for their country’s sovereignty, they are also fighting to uphold international law, and for democracy.   As the Prime Minister said earlier, this is [...]

MP Fisher’s statement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine2022-02-24T19:31:35-04:00

MP Fisher’s Speech on the Emergencies Act

February 19th, 2022 Mr. Darren Fisher (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Seniors, Lib.): Canada has a beautiful democracy, but let me be clear: Although beauty is not always perfect or without flaws, it is beautiful nonetheless, and our democracy is under attack by those who seek to destabilize it and to harm it. [...]

MP Fisher’s Speech on the Emergencies Act2022-02-24T16:21:14-04:00

This was my statement virtually in the House of Commons on standing up against misinformation and hate

Whether it's misinformation designed to incite and divide us, or hateful callers and harmful packages sent to offices—the rise in hate is something we must all recognize and stand up against. This was my statement virtually in the House of Commons today:

This was my statement virtually in the House of Commons on standing up against misinformation and hate2022-02-17T19:07:51-04:00