The Government Proposed a Nearly $9 Billion Investment to Help Students Through the Pandemic

Thanks for the feedback, Canadian Alliance of Student Associations! We've proposed a nearly $9 billion investment to help students through the pandemic. We know that students and recent graduates are feeling the economic impacts of COVID-19 and we are committed to supporting them and their studies during these difficult times. A few notable measures [...]

The Government Proposed a Nearly $9 Billion Investment to Help Students Through the Pandemic2021-08-15T10:49:32-03:00

The Government is Supporting People Experiencing Food Insecurity due to the COVID-19 Pandemic by Making up to $100 Million Available Through the Food Policy for Canada’s Local Food Infrastructure Fund

We’re supporting people experiencing food insecurity in Canada due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re making up to $100 million available through the Food Policy for Canada’s Local Food Infrastructure Fund, to Canadian food banks and local food organizations like community food centres to help improve access to food. Huge thanks to the Dartmouth Family & [...]

The Government is Supporting People Experiencing Food Insecurity due to the COVID-19 Pandemic by Making up to $100 Million Available Through the Food Policy for Canada’s Local Food Infrastructure Fund2021-06-20T16:26:41-03:00

Over the Weekend, the Prime Minister Announced New Supports and Investments for the Most Vulnerable

We know that physical distancing from friends and loved ones is making life harder for many, and it's worse for some of the most vulnerable. Over the weekend, the Prime Minister announced: Supports for seniors through the New Horizons Program to United Way, to help with everything from delivering medications to groceries. Investments in [...]

Over the Weekend, the Prime Minister Announced New Supports and Investments for the Most Vulnerable2021-08-15T10:53:28-03:00

We’ve Been Speaking with Small Business Owners Across Canada, and I Want You to Know That We Are Listening

We've been speaking with small business owners across Canada, and I want you to know that we are listening. From your feedback, as a next step in our COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, our Government is helping Canadian businesses protect jobs, and pay their bills by: - Providing an up to 75% wage subsidy for [...]

We’ve Been Speaking with Small Business Owners Across Canada, and I Want You to Know That We Are Listening2021-08-15T10:54:05-03:00

Prime Minister announces more support for workers and businesses through Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

Hi folks, I wanted to make sure you had this information right away. The Prime Minister just made this announcement. We're still waiting for details regarding time-lines. But it's good to see that help is on the way! Best, Prime Minister announces more support for workers and businesses through Canada’s COVID-19 Economic [...]

Prime Minister announces more support for workers and businesses through Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan2020-03-18T13:06:06-03:00

OFFICIAL GLOBAL TRAVEL ADVISORY: Avoid Non-Essential Travel Outside of Canada Until Further Notice (March 14, 2020)

Posted: March 14, 2020 Are you a Canadian living abroad? Are you a Canadian travelling abroad? COME HOME. OFFICIAL GLOBAL TRAVEL ADVISORY: Avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada until further notice. As you may have seen, many countries have put in place travel or border restrictions, movement restrictions, and quarantines. Other restrictions may be [...]

OFFICIAL GLOBAL TRAVEL ADVISORY: Avoid Non-Essential Travel Outside of Canada Until Further Notice (March 14, 2020)2020-03-16T10:38:43-03:00

Are You Currently Employed and Worried About Income If You Must Self-Isolate Due to COVID-19? We Have Your Back! (March 14, 2020)

Posted: March 14, 2020 Are you currently employed and worried about income if you must self-isolate due to COVID-19? We have your back. Read the facts folks. There’s a ton of misinformation out there. If you have questions on these EI measures please call 1-833-381-2725.…/…/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html

Are You Currently Employed and Worried About Income If You Must Self-Isolate Due to COVID-19? We Have Your Back! (March 14, 2020)2020-03-16T10:47:11-03:00

Are You Still Planning on Travelling Outside of the Country for March Break? Change Your Plans and Please Stay Home (March 13, 2020)

Posted: March 13, 2020 Are you still planning on travelling outside of the country for March Break? Change your plans and please stay home. Due to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an official global travel advisory is in effect: Avoid non-essential travel outside Canada until further notice. Travel advisory info: Don’t forget that other countries have [...]

Are You Still Planning on Travelling Outside of the Country for March Break? Change Your Plans and Please Stay Home (March 13, 2020)2020-03-16T10:54:00-03:00

The Prime Minister Just Announced a Comprehensive Package to Address the Impacts of COVID-19 On Our Country, and to Keep Canadians Safe (March 11, 2020)

Posted: March 11, 2020 I want you to know that our Government is working closely with local, provincial, territorial, and international partners to minimize the impacts from the COVID-19 situation. The Prime Minister just announced a comprehensive package to address the impacts of COVID-19 on our country, and to keep Canadians safe. These measures [...]

The Prime Minister Just Announced a Comprehensive Package to Address the Impacts of COVID-19 On Our Country, and to Keep Canadians Safe (March 11, 2020)2021-06-20T16:27:59-03:00