This Handy CBC Video Explains What the Strategy for Bill C-238 is About!

It's come full circle! My private member's Bill, C-238, the 'National Strategy for Safe and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Lamps Containing Mercury Act' is now a National Strategy across Canada. This handy CBC video explains what the strategy includes. It's amazing how many of these Mercury bearing bulbs exist, and with their long life-span [...]

This Handy CBC Video Explains What the Strategy for Bill C-238 is About!2019-08-29T10:39:55-03:00

We’re Investing in Seniors

We’re investing in seniors to make sure that all Canadians can enjoy a better life in their later years. Increasing Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, putting up to $2,000 more dollars in the pockets of the most vulnerable single seniors. Restoring the age of eligibility for OAS and GIS to age [...]

We’re Investing in Seniors2019-08-23T16:55:48-03:00

My Private Member’s Bill, C-238, is Now Both a Law & a Strategy Across Canada!

TONIGHT watch CBC News: The National, and/or listen to CBC News' The World At Six! It's come full circle. My Private Member's Bill, C-238, the National Strategy for Safe and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Lamps Containing Mercury Act, is now both a law and a strategy across Canada! Yesterday, I was interviewed by CBC's Kayla Hounsell [...]

My Private Member’s Bill, C-238, is Now Both a Law & a Strategy Across Canada!2019-08-29T10:44:46-03:00

Standing Up for Canadian Travellers: Air Passenger Protection Regulations Finalized

We’re standing up for Canadian travellers! Beginning today airlines must provide: Clear communication about passengers’ rights & compensation Fair compensation for overbooked flights Better treatment during tarmac delays Fair compensation for lost or damaged baggage Learn more:

Standing Up for Canadian Travellers: Air Passenger Protection Regulations Finalized2019-08-29T10:49:25-03:00

Proud to Call the City of Lakes my Home

I am so proud to call the City of Lakes my home. Anytime I can tell folks about my hometown, I do. And I've made sure to put it on the record. The House of Commons adjourned today, and I can't wait to get back! I love Dartmouth.

Proud to Call the City of Lakes my Home2019-06-25T10:42:01-03:00

It’s World Sickle Cell Awareness Day!

  Did you know that Sickle Cell Anemia/Disease is one of the most predominant genetic diseases in the world? When I first became an MP I jumped at the chance to sponsor Senator Jane Cordy’s Bill S-211, to declare June 19th as National Sickle Cell Awareness Day in Canada. When Bill S-211 passed, Canada [...]

It’s World Sickle Cell Awareness Day!2019-06-20T10:44:55-03:00

Canada’s First-Ever National Dementia Strategy

On Monday, we announced Canada's first-ever National Dementia Strategy. Age is a primary risk factor for dementia, and with Nova Scotia's aging population it's important that we recognize the hardworking stakeholders across the province that are raising awareness, and providing help for people with dementia and their caregivers. Happy to deliver these 'forget me [...]

Canada’s First-Ever National Dementia Strategy2019-06-20T10:34:37-03:00

The New First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

This year, we launched the new First-Time Home Buyer Incentive to help middle class Canadians take their first steps towards home ownership! The incentive will make home ownership more affordable for first-time home buyers, by allowing them to lower their monthly mortgage payments, without having to increase their down payment! Learn more:…/first-time-homebuyer-incen… [...]

The New First-Time Home Buyer Incentive2019-06-18T11:02:52-03:00

Plaid for Dad

I’m wearing Plaid for Dad to raise awareness and help end prostate cancer- will you? Due to increased awareness, mortality rates due to this disease have been cut in half in Canada! Join me and wear Plaid for Dad this Father’s Day weekend.

Plaid for Dad2019-06-17T13:17:38-03:00

A More Humane Country

It was a big day with the single-use plastics ban announcement in Canada, however something else really positive happened at Parliament too! In case you missed it: 'A more humane country': Canada to ban keeping whales, dolphins in captivity' Read more:

A More Humane Country2019-06-11T11:42:15-03:00