Canadians Have Created Over One Million Jobs Since 2015. One Million.

⬆ Jobs are up. ⬆ The economy is up. ⬇️ Unemployment is down. ✔️We were elected on a plan to help lift Canadians out of poverty, strengthen the middle class, boost our economy, and take action against climate change. Our investments in Canadians are strengthening Canada. And Canadians have created over one million jobs [...]

Canadians Have Created Over One Million Jobs Since 2015. One Million.2019-05-10T11:39:48-03:00

Taking Climate Action

If you don't have a plan for the environment, you don't have a plan for Canadians. We're taking climate action by: 🌎Making polluters pay 🌎Phasing out coal 🌎Investing in public transit 🌎Investing in energy efficiency 🌎Protecting our nature 🌎Investing in clean technology And more!             Learn more about how [...]

Taking Climate Action2019-05-09T12:52:46-03:00

Victory in Europe (V-E) Day

On May 8th, 1945, countless people filled the streets of towns and cities in Allied nations around the world, cheering and celebrating, after almost 6 years of war in Europe. On the anniversary of Victory in Europe (V-E) Day we remember the more that 45,000 Newfoundlanders and Canadians who fought side by side and [...]

Victory in Europe (V-E) Day2019-05-09T12:48:24-03:00

Let Kids in Nova Scotia Play Rugby, While Making Sure They’re Protected!

"I think there's a big difference between cancelling youth sport and working diligently to protect the brains of young athletes." Last week I was on CBC's Power & Politics to talk about concussions in sport. During the interview they asked me about the NSSAF decision to cancel rugby in high schools across the province. [...]

Let Kids in Nova Scotia Play Rugby, While Making Sure They’re Protected!2019-05-09T13:01:30-03:00

Canada’s Climate Plan

If you don't have a plan for the environment, you don't have a plan. Period. 🌎 We're taking strong climate action now, not *just* because we want to, but because we HAVE to. Learn more about our plan:…/w…/climatechange/climate-action.html

Canada’s Climate Plan2019-05-09T12:43:10-03:00

National Student Commonwealth Forum

Great to meet with these bright Dartmouth High students taking part in the National Student Commonwealth Forum. We chatted about environmental sustainability and renewable energy, street checks in HRM, and the importance of community gardens and planting food on city property (eg. Fruit trees).  

National Student Commonwealth Forum2019-05-10T12:12:21-03:00

A New Incentive for Zero Emission Vehicles

Today's the day! We're making it more affordable for Canadians to make the switch to a new Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV), by providing a NEW incentive of up to $5,000! Learn more:…/innovativ…/zero-emission-vehicles.html

A New Incentive for Zero Emission Vehicles2019-05-09T13:14:10-03:00

Helping first-time home buyers! Budget 2019.

Budget 2019 is making home ownership more affordable for first-time home buyers! Huge thanks to the NSAR for their advocacy on this file. Learn more:…/

Helping first-time home buyers! Budget 2019.2019-05-10T10:13:18-03:00