I Support National Pharmacare in Canada

Do you agree that prescription drugs should be affordable? I keep putting it on the record: I firmly believe in National Pharmacare. And Budget 2019 is delivering on the foundation needed for National Pharmacare in Canada: https://darrenfisher.ca/i-am-a-strong-support-of-national-…/

I Support National Pharmacare in Canada2024-03-08T18:31:11-03:00

Dartmouth-Cole Harbour is Flourishing – Budget 2019

SHARE if you love these restaurants & small businesses in Dartmouth-Cole Harbour! Whenever I have an opportunity to tell Canadians about how amazing my hometown is, I take it. I want all Canadians to know that there's never been a better time to live in Dartmouth-Cole Harbour. This clip is from the middle of [...]

Dartmouth-Cole Harbour is Flourishing – Budget 20192019-05-10T10:52:55-03:00

Call for Nominations: Canada’s Volunteer Awards

Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, recently announced the launch of the call for nominations for Canada’s Volunteer Awards! This is the chance for all Canadians to nominate exceptional individuals, not for profit organizations that help find innovative solutions to social challenges, or businesses that demonstrate social responsibility in their community. This year, 21 awards will be [...]

Call for Nominations: Canada’s Volunteer Awards2019-05-10T10:55:17-03:00

Budget 2019: Making it More Affordable for Students to Gain the Skills & Education They Need

We want to ensure that every young person who wants to learn and gain experience, has the opportunity to do so. We’re working to make post-secondary education and training more affordable, through lowering the interest rate on Canada Student Loans, and by boosting Canada Student Grants. As for training, we’re improving and expanding the [...]

Budget 2019: Making it More Affordable for Students to Gain the Skills & Education They Need2019-05-10T10:59:38-03:00

Meeting With Members of the IAFF Canada – AIP

Good to meet with members of the IAFF Canada - AIP. We discussed the importance of: 👨‍🚒 making sure that building codes are looked at through the lens of firefighters 👨‍🚒 potential dangers of fire retardants 👨‍🚒 strong supports for post traumatic stress injuries. We made sure to thank them for everything they do [...]

Meeting With Members of the IAFF Canada – AIP2019-05-10T11:03:59-03:00

Vimy Ridge Day

  On April 9th, 1917, the capture of Vimy Ridge was a pivotal and defining moment for Canada. Almost 3,600 Canadian soldiers lost their lives, and more than 10,000 were wounded. Today and everyday, we will remember them. Learn more about the Battle of Vimy Ridge: https://www.veterans.gc.ca/…/first-world-w…/fact_sheets/vimy  

Vimy Ridge Day2019-05-10T11:07:13-03:00

Canada Youth Summit Video Challenge

What a neat opportunity! The Canada Youth Summit is on May 2-3, 2019 in Ottawa. 300 young leaders from coast to coast to coast to come together to celebrate the launch of Canada’s first youth policy, talk about key issues identified by youth, share their experiences with service and what it meant to them [...]

Canada Youth Summit Video Challenge2019-04-04T16:46:21-03:00

Meet Katrina Plasse – Dartmouth-Cole Harbour’s Daughters of the Vote Delegate for 2019!

When more women participate in politics and civic life, it helps to create what will essentially be a fairer democracy – one where all Canadians – regardless of gender – have an equal and fair chance at success. Today we have the privilege of welcoming 338 dynamic and diverse young women in the House [...]

Meet Katrina Plasse – Dartmouth-Cole Harbour’s Daughters of the Vote Delegate for 2019!2019-04-03T12:47:18-03:00