Pink Shirt Day 2016 #PinkItForward

I'm wearing pink today to stand up against bullying- are you?   Pink Shirt DayToday our Liberal Members of Parliament are wearing pink to stand up against bullying.Aujourd’hui, nos député(e)s libéraux portent du rose pour soutenir la lutte contre l’intimidation.Posted by Liberal Party of Canada | Parti libéral du Canada on Wednesday, 24 February 2016[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Pink Shirt Day 2016 #PinkItForward2017-06-17T13:39:20-03:00

Solving a problem with a bright idea.

Know what's great for our environment? Solving problems with bright ideas. I'll be making an announcement later this week. Stay tuned!  To ensure you receive our media releases please email.

Solving a problem with a bright idea.2017-06-17T13:39:20-03:00

Darren asked the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development about his visit to Halifax

"Mr. Speaker, it was my privilege to have the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development visit the Halifax area during constituency week. While at Volta Labs, the minister announced over $2.7 million in funding from ACOA to seven companies and organizations, representing the ICT, clean tech, and fisheries sectors in Nova [...]

Darren asked the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development about his visit to Halifax2017-06-17T13:39:20-03:00

Thank you to our firefighters. Thank you for saving The Bedford Institute of Oceanography.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of commending our fighters for protecting us- and saving the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Here's what I said: "Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commend the approximately 25 firefighters who responded Sunday to an intense fire at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth. The fire started in the late [...]

Thank you to our firefighters. Thank you for saving The Bedford Institute of Oceanography.2017-06-17T13:39:20-03:00

Dartmouth Whalers Midget AA team Visits Parliament

Yesterday the Dartmouth Whalers Midget AA team visited Parliament. The team (along with parents, coaches and chaperones) were able to see where Darren sits in the House of Commons. They're visiting Ottawa while playing in a tournament and we wish them the best of luck! Go Whalers!

Dartmouth Whalers Midget AA team Visits Parliament2016-01-30T17:02:59-03:00

Robbie Burns Dinner – Parliament Hill – Ottawa

What a night! 'Glengarry Pipe Band on the Hill at Speaker Geoff Regan's Robbie Burns Dinner.' Glengarry Pipe Band on the Hill at Speaker Geoff Regans Robbie Burns Dinner.Posted by Darren Fisher-MP Dartmouth-Cole Harbour on Monday, 25 January 2016 'Ode to the Haggis' Ode to the Haggis. Robbie Burns Dinner on the Hill.Posted by Darren [...]

Robbie Burns Dinner – Parliament Hill – Ottawa2016-01-30T17:28:41-03:00