Darren Fisher’s team here. Did you know it’s his birthday?!

We wanted to take the opportunity to share a few thoughts about Darren with you. (Sorry D, don’t be embarrassed!)

We don’t think it’s a secret that he’s a compassionate, kind, and positive person to be around. Yep, he likes dogs, tells Dad jokes, and knows every record store in town.

And even though he sometimes plays vinyl too loud in the office, we’re really grateful to have a chance to work with him.

While some other politicians are always full of slogans and down in the mud slamming each other, Darren never does that. We love that he’s not very partisan and that he focuses on our community instead.

Doing what’s right isn’t always easy, but he *makes* it look easy. Whether standing up for Dartmouth and against the Dartmouth Cove infill, or voting against the government to send a message on the importance of supporting national universal pharmacare —we always trust that he’s going to do what’s best. What’s right.

We could say more, but we’re already worried he’s going to delete this post!

Please join us in wishing Darren a happy birthday!!!

—Team Darren Fisher

Dartmouth—Cole Harbour