POSTED : 2020-09-22, 4:00PM

🌀 Hurricane Teddy 🌀

It’s always important to be prepared! Please make sure that you and your family are prepared to be self sufficient for at least 72 hours!! 🔋 🥘 🕯

Currently expected to transition to a powerful Post-Tropical Storm, 🤞 Hurricane Teddy is expected to bring heavy rain and harsh winds to Dartmouth—Cole Harbour. I want you to know that the Government Operations Centre and Public Safety Regional Offices are coordinating with federal and provincial officials to maintain situational awareness and prepare for response coordination.

You can learn helpful tips on how to make an emergency preparedness plan for your family, how to set up an emergency supplies kit, and other helpful safety tips here:

I hope folks secured their patio furniture, kids’ toys and stuff outside! The winds are expected to be high today and tomorrow. Sure, trampolines are fun, but not when they land on your neighbour’s car. 🚗