Back in 2020, I delivered $227,000 to help transform the Fairbanks Interpretation Centre at beautiful Shubie Park. Yesterday, we experienced and celebrated that transformation!

The Shubenacadie Canal Waterway means so much to us here in Dartmouth. So much to all of Mi’kma’ki.

The Transitions project has been an incredible undertaking for the Shubenacadie Canal Commission, and the new exhibits really reflect the hard work that went into this. So engaging and so inclusive—I can’t wait for all of you to experience it. Thank you to everyone who contributed and worked so hard on this project. This is a legacy that celebrates and reflects on a legacy!

Thank you to Elder Doreen Bernard for including us in a water ceremony. The waterways—the harbour, the lakes, the canal—they mean so much to us. Thank you for reminding us of our deeper connection to the water.

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