It was great to catch up with Scott Skinner, President and CEO of the non-profit environmental organization Clean Foundation.

We chatted about how incredible Downtown Dartmouth is. In fact, we had lunch at the Bright Yard, Brightwood Brewery’s newest beer garden on Portland Street. (I recommend it) I had an incredible smoked chicken sandwich! The atmosphere was so good too.

We also discussed the incredible clean technology boom we’re experiencing here in Dartmouth—Cole Harbour and throughout HRM. Clean tech and ocean tech companies have found a supportive home here. Best of all our local universities and NSCC are training Nova Scotians for these high-quality jobs.

When we talk about building back better, we can’t do it without continuing to take strong climate action. It’s why our Government legislated and passed the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act and strengthened Canada’s Climate Plan: A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, carbon pollution, carbon pricing, climate change resilience, clean technology, and jobs.

We all need to recognize the opportunity that’s before us.
Canada needs to be at the forefront of the transition to a clean and green economy. That’s why we’re supporting companies that are ready to transition their operations in a greener and cleaner way.

We’re investing in public transit, especially in electric buses and charging infrastructure! We’re building a coast-to-coast network of electric vehicle charging stations and providing rebates to help folks make the switch to a zero-emissions vehicle.

We’re tackling oceans plastic and ghost gear, dangerous single use plastics too. We’re protecting more and more land and coastal areas across the country. And we’re making sure that Canada has the right economic environment for clean technology companies to start here, move here, grow here, and employ folks here in Canada.

Taking strong climate action is good for our environment and good for our economy.

Sorry folks, this is a long one. I could talk about this alllll day.