The hotels are packed because it’s almost time for the 2023 North American Indigenous Games!!

Soon, thousands of athletes from over 756 Indigenous Nations will compete in many different sports across Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Dartmouth, and Millbrook First Nation.

The North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) were originally scheduled to take place here in Mi’kma’ki back in 2020. It feels like it was just yesterday when we gathered on the shores of Lake Banook to announce the funding to support the games.

This is the first time Atlantic Canada will host NAIG and I know it’s going to be amazing. There are many Dartmouth venues, including Lake Banook, the RBC Centre, the Beazley Fields, and the Harbour East All-Weather Field.

The Shubenacadie waterway, including Lake Banook, have been a major transportation route for the Mi’kmaq since time immemorial, and it feels extra special to host the games here on the lake.

The opening ceremonies are taking place in Halifax this Sunday and you can find the full schedule of events here: