Like you, I am totally disgusted by hateful and dangerous organizations like the Proud Boys. We strongly denounce this group and other organizations like it that exist to advance misogynistic and white supremacist beliefs and serve to glorify violence.

  • I am aware that Canada’s national security and law enforcement agencies are actively engaged in monitoring the activities of these groups, and work is well under way to gather important evidence required to support a determination of listing as a Terrorist Organization. (You can learn more about how this works here:…/bt-lstng-prcss-en.aspx )
  • Although it’s important to remember that terrorist designations aren’t political, I’ve been told that recent events have provided a significant amount of useful intelligence and evidence that is being evaluated by officials. Canada’s security agencies are alert to evolving threats and they will not hesitate to take necessary action.

Really appreciate Minister Blair’s comments on this. Have a look.…/feds-looking-at-declaring…