There will be a procession today starting around 6:00pm to honour Sub-Lt Abbigail Cowbrough’s return to Nova Scotia.

It’s expected that military police, and the Veterans UN NATO group will lead the way. I’m hearing that cadet squadrons will safely line some overpasses and roadways to salute her as she makes her way back.

Dartmouth-Cole Harbour is deeply proud of the women and men of the Canadian Armed Forces, so I know that many of you will want to take part along the side of the road. Please be safe. And don’t forget to keep your distance from others as you pay your respects to Sub-Lt Cowbrough.


From the Park & Fly parking lot to Highway 102;
Highway 102 to Bayers Road;
Bayers Road to Windsor Street;
Right onto Windsor Street to North Street;
Left onto North Street to Barrington Street;
Right onto Barrington Street to Cornwallis Street;
Left onto Cornwallis Street to Valour Way, HMC Dockyard;
Left onto Valour Way to Barrington Street;
Right onto Barrington Street to the MacKay Bridge;
Continue on Highway 111 to Main Street / Highway 7;
Continue on Main Street to the Atlantic Funeral Home, 771 Main Street, Dartmouth.