Protect affordable homes!!

We’re going to help non-profit organizations buy affordable apartments so they can KEEP them affordable!

We just announced our plan to launch a new $1.5 billion Canada Rental Protection Fund to protect affordable housing and create thousands of new affordable apartments.

Every year, too many affordable apartments are bought up by speculators and profiteers, only to have families renovicted—where the buildings are renovated into expensive units or torn down to make way for luxury condos.

We’re going to provide loans and grants to non-profit organizations and other partners to help them purchase these affordable homes and preserve or lower rent prices in the long-term.

This is how we’ll ensure that more affordable homes STAY affordable, and folks who live in our communities can STAY in our communities!

Huge thanks to Ministers Marci Ien,  Jonathan Wilkinson, and Jean-Yves Duclos for joining us!

Learn more:…/protecting-and…