One family impacted by gun crime is one too many.

We just announced over $3 million to support gun and gang crime prevention programs in Dartmouth—Cole Harbour and across HRM!

So great to have Minister Marco Mendicino, Mayor Mike Savage, and MP Lena Metlege Diab join me at the North Woodside Community Centre in Dartmouth today for this announcement. This community Centre has always been known as a very welcoming space for our kids and our entire community!

As our city grows and grows, we need to continue doing everything we can to help build more inclusive and safer communities. That means working with all orders of government, proactively, to support grassroots organizations that know how to make the biggest positive impact in Dartmouth—Cole Harbour and across the municipality.

We must support organizations that are already working hard to tackle the systemic issues and social conditions that can lead young people toward a life of crime. These organizations get it, and our government understands how important they are to supporting young people in our communities.

And I can tell you that we have truly inspiring community groups that are helping to tackle important issues like food security, and inclusion. These amazing organizations are helping people live healthier lives, and many are deeply focused on providing safe, inspiring spaces for kids to be kids, and to help them grow up in a positive environment.

This is about prevention.

Learn more about today’s great announcement:…/government-taking-action-on-gun-cri…