Build more homes!

We delivered over $8 Million to YWCA Halifax to help them purchase 32 affordable homes in Dartmouth’s Mount Hope Village community for families in core housing need.

This means that more families will have a safe and supportive home to live in, here in Dartmouth.

YWCA Halifax, who now owns and maintains these deeply affordable 2 and 3 bedroom townhomes, is partnering with the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre and they’ve set aside 10 homes for urban Indigenous families in core housing need.

They are also working with Adsum for Women and Children, and they’ve set aside 12 homes for families who are currently living in hotels and supported by Adsum.

The remaining homes will be used for families who take part in existing YWCA housing programs.

We’re always stronger when we work together. And that’s why we’ve partnered with the Province of Nova Scotia, HRM, and YWCA Halifax, who all contributed as well. Thank you to MLA Halman for joining me!

Here are some other affordable housing announcements we’ve made: