Dartmouth Cove update


Transport Canada has approved the Dartmouth Cove Waterfront Infill Project (2022-206446) which is one of two federal approvals needed to permit this project to move forward. As of today, neither the Province of Nova Scotia nor the Municipality have further regulated these infill projects in Dartmouth Cove.

I don’t believe that Dartmouth is a dumping ground for someone’s fill.
And I am disappointed to see this infill project move a step ahead at all. However, there is still time to stop this from happening which is why we need to keep working together to protect Dartmouth Cove.

Our federal jurisdiction is limited in scope, including only navigation and fish habitat. I’m disappointed in Transport Canada’s decision as I believe there’s enough evidence to show this project impedes navigation, especially the work done by the Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE) stakeholders. I want you to know that I’ve brought this concern to the Ministers and to the Prime Minister.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans hasn’t given authorization for the project yet, so there’s still time to right this wrong.

I’ll keep advocating to anyone who will listen, and I’ll work harder until those who aren’t listening, do.

When I hear from folks in Dartmouth—Cole Harbour, they’re worried about access to their favourite trail, they’re worried about dirt and noise from the trucks, and how this will impact the community they love, the community I love. And although these serious concerns fall outside of federal jurisdiction, HRM has the opportunity to pursue further regulations to address these concerns, as they did in Halifax for the Northwest Arm. The Minister of Transport continues to give assurances that Transport Canada will cooperate with HRM on any potential regulations they put forward.

This project has been on the table for two years now—time is of the essence. We’re stronger when we work together and I’m here to work with any order of government who wants to better protect Dartmouth Cove. I want you to know that I won’t stop advocating for Dartmouth Cove and I encourage you to advocate to every one of your political representatives on this.

