As the only Atlantic Canadian member of the Standing Committee of Environment and Sustainable Development it’s up to me to stand up for home.

I know so many of you want to make sure that the Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes area is protected. And I’ve done my best to bring your voices to Parliament.

I was pleased to have Dr. Chris Miller of CPAWS as a witness last week. And even more pleased that he brought up the Blue Mountain Birch Cove area. I’m pleased that I could ask on record what Dr. Miller felt was needed from the federal government to get the ball rolling on the park.

Even better- I got to ask Parks Canada on record if they’d consider looking into making the area an Urban Wilderness Park.

So, what do you think?
Let me know if the comments below.

MP Darren Fisher asks Dr. Chris Miller of CPAWS about Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes.

MP Darren Fisher asks Parks Canada if they’ll support Birch Cove Lakes, Nova Scotia.