I just announced that our Government is providing funding for an ADA-compliant EZ Dock that will be installed in Shubie Park, to allow paddlers with disabilities to lock their boats in place before entering or exiting the water!

The Shubenacadie Canal applied for this funding through the Enabling Accessibility Fund’s (EAF) small projects component. Along with the Accessible Canada Act, the EAF is another way we are helping to create a barrier-free Canada.


Dartmouth as you all know, is the ‘City of Lakes’. And the historical Shubenacadie Canal waterway runs through it, providing an incredible paddling experience for both residents and tourists. The Deep Cut, just outside of the pond in Shubie Park, is a beautiful stretch that every paddler or potential paddler deserves to enjoy. But not everyone has the physical ability to get off the current dock and safely into a canoe or kayak. I love that the Shubenacadie Canal Commission recognized this, and wanted to do something about it!

It’s expected that the new EZ Dock will be installed by the end of the month. I can’t wait to see the difference this makes!