Seniors have, and continue to, make valuable contributions to their families, communities, and our nation as a whole. That’s why our Government remains committed to empowering seniors, along with all other Canadians, to both contribute and share in the success of Canada.

Building on this commitment, our government has announced that the New Horizons for Seniors Program’s (NHSP) is accepting proposals!

The NHSP encourages seniors to stay involved in their community, improving their own quality of life, as well as for those around them. To better support this initiative, organizations that empower seniors to initiate and participate in activities are encouraged to apply for funding, to a maximum of $25,000.

We recognize the remarkable contributions that seniors make to our communities. By investing in NHSP community-based projects that help reinforce partnerships with local governments, institutions and organizations, we’re confirming our commitment to deliver positive change and improve the lives of seniors.

You can find more information about this program here:…/new-horizons-seniors-community-base…
