Veterans’ Week 2018

The courage and valour of those who served in the first half of the 20th century is reflected in the continued tradition of service by today’s Canadian Armed Forces. This Veterans’ Week, I encourage you to reflect upon the freedom we enjoy. You can visit to learn about ways to get involved!  [...]

Veterans’ Week 20182018-11-22T15:41:44-03:00

Great Having Dr. Heather Sparling Attend Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development

It was great to have Cape Breton University’s Dr. Heather Sparling attend yesterday’s Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. Heather took part in the new Science Meets Parliament program. This program brings scientists working in Canada to Parliament Hill in order to meet with MPs and Senators. They attend House and Senate Committee [...]

Great Having Dr. Heather Sparling Attend Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development2018-11-22T15:29:30-03:00

Today Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Will be Delivering an Apology to the Passengers’ Families of the MS St. Louis and to the Jewish Communities in Canada and Around the World

Today Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will deliver an apology in the House of Commons to the passengers' families of the MS St. Louis and to the Jewish communities in Canada and around the world. In 1939 more than 900 Jewish refugees sailed from Germany on the MS. St Louis, seeking safety. The MS St. [...]

Today Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Will be Delivering an Apology to the Passengers’ Families of the MS St. Louis and to the Jewish Communities in Canada and Around the World2018-11-22T15:34:48-03:00

Canada’s Hundred Days Interactive Quiz

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 3 month stretch of battlefield achievements that came to be known as Canada’s Hundred Days. Check out VAC’s interactive quiz that explores the sites of Canada’s great contributions at the end of the First World War on Google Earth!

Canada’s Hundred Days Interactive Quiz2018-11-22T15:22:59-03:00

Apply to Daughters of the Vote 2019

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! You could represent Dartmouth-Cole Harbour! Daughters of the Vote 2019 is accepting applications. This project offers a unique opportunity for young women ages 18 to 23, from across the country to apply to be one of 338 dynamic and diverse emerging leading who will come to the [...]

Apply to Daughters of the Vote 20192018-11-22T15:17:22-03:00

Advance Requests – Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)

Some of you may be following Audrey Parker’s heartbreaking story in the media. My heart goes out to Audrey and her family. And I commend Audrey for her advocacy. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) was an arduous piece of legislation to pass. As you can imagine, it was extremely complicated to study and move [...]

Advance Requests – Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)2018-11-01T17:37:15-03:00

Discussing Women’s Economic Security with YWCA

 Back in Ottawa after a few days of meetings at the United Nations with the Standing Committee on National Defence. Started the day off by meeting with YWCA Canada. We had a great meeting discussing women’s economic security.

Discussing Women’s Economic Security with YWCA2018-11-22T15:02:08-03:00

The Tiny House Lottery at LakeCity Works

This summer LakeCity Works hired students through our Government's Canada Summer Jobs Program, to help their woodworking team build the very first LakeCity Tiny Home! And they're auctioning it off!! The lucky winner will be announced in January! Watch to find out the details.

The Tiny House Lottery at LakeCity Works2018-10-31T11:23:11-03:00